LU announces 2024 summer camps

十大电子游艺网站排行邀请所有年龄段的学生参加今年夏天在校园举行的各种夏令营. Camps are offered for various 年龄和兴趣,有日常和住宿机会. Summer Camps 2024

To view all summer camps, visit

LU STEAM Summer Art Camp 

The LU STEAM 夏季艺术营是一个密集的一周,为13至18岁的学生提供令人兴奋的动手综合学习活动和艺术项目. The STEM (Science, Technology, 工程和数学)课程已经调整,将“艺术”重新置于学习的中心, creating STEAM. The camp, June 17-21, presents through the STEAM mindset, and offers 让学生有机会学习艺术和设计是理解世界的重要组成部分,因为他们通过视觉方法解决问题. The STEAM 夏季艺术营的课程设计是集中和活跃的. 每门课程将由具有STEAM领域艺术认证和教学经验的专业艺术教育家授课. The camp is free and takes place from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. To register, email 

LU Summer Band Camp 

Lamar University will offer a single band camp, 适用于初中生(年级) sixth through ninth) from June 9-13. LU暑期乐队营为器乐学生提供了一个很好的提高机会 their skills while having fun. 由优秀的乐队指挥和教练组成的团队提供各种日常课程, including full band rehearsals, group lessons (master classes), electives and daytime recreation. 晚上的娱乐活动通常包括看电影、游戏、运动、空闲时间和才艺表演. 营地的高潮是一场盛大的乐队音乐会,所有营地的参与者都参加了音乐会. For more information visit 

All State Choir Camp 
Camp will be July 21-July 24 to introduce students entering grades ninth through twelfth 全地区和全州合唱团海选的曲目. 住宿学生的费用为350美元,日营为150美元,TMEA全州夏令营为210美元. Registration is online-only: or email  

Lamar Introduction to Engineering (L.I.T.E) – 6th Grade 

六年级学生被邀请参加为期一周的夏令营(6月3日至7日),参加者将参加实践活动和课程,旨在向他们介绍工程概念和该领域的各种学科. Campers will work with faculty members, LU engineering students, 还有来自当地工业的客座工程师. Thanks to industry sponsorship, L.I.T.E. Camp is offered at no cost to campers. 

夏令营申请需要一份最近的成绩单和一份教师评价. 请在申请前准备好上传这些文件. For more information visit 

L.I.T.E. – 7th & 8th Grade  

7年级和8年级的学生被邀请参加为期一周的夏令营,该夏令营于6月10日至14日举行,他们将参加实践活动和课程,旨在向他们介绍工程概念和该领域的各种学科. Campers will work with faculty, LU engineering students, and guest engineers from industry throughout the week.  

L.I.T.E. 由于行业赞助,夏令营免费提供给营员. 申请需要一份近期成绩单和教师评估文件的复印件. 请在申请前准备好上传这些文件. For more information visit 

Project Engineering  

7月8日至12日,高中学生被邀请到校园参加为期一周的日间训练营,重点是机器人设计和编程,以团队为基础. 周末的比赛将让营员们在与老师互动的同时展示他们的技能, engineering students, and guest engineers from local industry. Throughout the week, campers will explore LU Engineering, 参观不同的部门实验室,了解不同的学科和研究机会提供给陆大工程系的学生. Grades and teacher recommendation are required. Space is limited. 

Project Engineer is offered at no cost, thanks to the sponsorship of ChevronPhillips Chemical. 申请需要最近的成绩单和STEM教师评估的复印件. 请在提交之前准备好上传这些文件.  

For more information visit 
ChemE Camp 

6月24日至28日,高中三年级和四年级学生被邀请到校园参加为期一周的夏令营,重点是在团队合作的环境中学习化学工程. 该夏令营将向学生介绍化学工程师的各种角色,以及石化和制药/食品制造行业中使用的常用设备. 实践活动将与工业工厂参观交织在一起,以保持营地的吸引力和趣味性. 本夏令营仅限于已成功完成化学和代数II课程的高中生. Space is limited.  

由于实验室和工业参观,长裤和闭趾鞋必须穿在任何时候. 将根据需要发放额外的个人防护装备. 工业旅游需要驾照或学校照片的身份证. 由于场地有限,由于企业的赞助,这个夏令营是免费的. 

申请需要最近的成绩单和STEM教师评估的副本. 请在提交之前准备好上传这些文件. For more information visit  



Baseball Camps provide the opportunity for children ages six to 12 与十大电子游艺网站排行的棒球教练和球员一起学习基础知识和技术. Choose from three sessions. Session I is June 17-20, half day, 9 a.m. to noon, $185; or full day 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., $300. Session II is June 24-27, half day, 9 a.m. to noon, $185; or full day 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., $300. Session III is July 8-11, half day, 9 a.m. to noon, $185; or full day 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., $300. 

For more information visit: 

Men’s Basketball Camps  

十大电子游艺网站排行男子篮球训练营在一个充满乐趣和竞争的环境中教授比赛的基础知识. Players will learn one-on-one moves, 团队概念和防守技巧将帮助他们作为一名球员进步. 营员们还将从LU教练和球员那里学习正确投篮技术的重要性. 

Elite Camp is June 25 from 1  to 5 p.m. for varsity-level players. Registration is $50.  

Individual Skills Camp has two sessions. The first is June 10-13 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, and 9 a.m. to noon on Thursday, and June 9 from 9 a.m.- noon. The second session takes place June 17-20. It is open to boys ages eight 8 to 18. Registration is $185. 

To register or for more information email 

Women’s Basketball Camps  

在罗宾和谐的红衣主教夫人篮球营教基本的篮球技能的发展使用一个有趣和竞争的环境. Players will learn one-on-one moves, team concepts, 三对三的概念和两人的游戏概念. 营员还将学习正确的射击技术的重要性,以及如何利用三重威胁的位置. 

Team Camp is June 8 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m for teams ages 14 to 18. Registration cost per team is $250.   

Elite Camp is August 4 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for varsity-level players. Registration is $50.  

Kid’s Camp is July 9 to August 1 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and June 9 from 9 a.m.- noon. It is open to girls ages five to 14. Registration is $125. 
